Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Our favorite "Sister to Sister" character as known as Melanie Barnett on B.E.T "The Game" took to twitter a few weeks ago, stating that she will not return for season six. Melanie's character is currently one of the stars of the show in which her relationship between her and "Co-Start" Pooch "Derwin Davis" Hall revolves around. Will the Game's rating survive after this? Rumor also has it that Pooh Hall will be leaving the show as well. Many fans are not happy about this. I  was a hardcore fan of "The Game" but after that news I really didn't watch it. It sucks when your favorite shows characters decides to leave the show, you almost feel as though they owe you something. (laughs) even though they really don't. Separation Anxiety........but we shall see how the ratings are when the "The Game" returns in the fall.

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